Summer snacks

Energy boost for summer training: The ideal snacks for sports on hot days

The summer time is perfect for for getting out and being active. However, at high temperatures, it is especially important to give your body enough energy to sustain your performance. 
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Summer is finally here, hooray! This time of year is perfect for for getting out and being active. However, at high temperatures, it is especially important to give your body enough energy to sustain your performance. The heat can quickly drain your body and make you tired faster. Here, we introduce you to our favorite snacks for hot days that provide your body with important nutrients and are refreshing and delicious at the same time.

Light and delicious

In summer, it is best to eat light and digestible snacks that do not weigh down the body. Fresh fruits such as melons and berries contain a lot of water and therefore contribute to hydration. The same goes for vegetables like cucumbers and tomatoes. They provide important vitamins and electrolytes such as potassium and magnesium, which are lost when you sweat.

Our favorite snack is definitely a delicious smoothie made from watermelon, banana, coconut water and lime. Put all ingredients in the blender and mix until you have a creamy consistency. Served with ice cubes, it is incredibly good after training.

Satiating snacks

In addition to fresh fruit and smoothies, small meals are also ideal snack options on hot days. For example, a wrap with hummus and vegetable sticks provides a balanced combination of carbohydrates, protein, and healthy fats. A delicious alternative is cooked quinoa or couscous with grilled vegetables – these options also provide important nutrients and are easy to transport if, for example, you are going on a long cycling or hiking trip.

Our RAWBITE bars are of course also a sweet alternative to fresh fruit. Because they are made from dates and nuts, they are not only delicious, but also filling and provide long-lasting energy for training. Here in the summer, we clearly recommend the fresh RAWBITE Lime or the more exotic RAWBITE Coconut. Our fruit and nut bars are also good to bring along on your long run or bike ride, as they don't melt in the heat.

However, the ultimate summer tip is: Drink plenty of water on hot days! It can't be said often enough, but it's just so important to regularly drink small amounts of water during exercise to replenish fluid loss. For a natural flavor variation, you can add fresh mint or lemon slices. A pinch of salt ensures a quick supply of electrolytes.

Conclusion: It's not rocket science to work out that you need extra energy when doing sports in the heat, but since it's not possible to bring a cooler bag on your run, it's important to choose the right snacks that work well in the summer heat.

Pure Taste. Pure Joy.